Adult Sunday School

Below, you can find information about our current Adult Sunday school classes, and where they are meeting at this time. 

Adult Sunday School classes begin at 9:30am on Sundays.  During the summer, classes often meet together as a large group for a summer elective class, but during the remainder of the year, classes meet in various Sunday School rooms.  Some classes choose to do a Bible Study or book study, while others use Sermon preparation questions.

We invite you to connect with a friendly face or pastor for more information about joining a class at Zion!

  • Young Adult Pancake Breakfasts-in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am. Email the office or ask a congregant for the current dates!

Normal Fall to Spring Sunday School details below

Class name

Where they meet

Currently studying

Elective class

Fellowship Hall

BEMA discipleship bible study/podcast


In the classroom area just north of the front of the sanctuary.



1st classroom on the right in the front foyer

Salt & Light, a bible study curriculum from MennoMedia


2nd classroom on the right in the front foyer

Salt & Light, a bible study curriculum from MennoMedia

* Classes are loosely structured by age. However, all adults are welcome to attend any class.